Monday, March 1, 2010

Hahas!! CT's are over!! FINALLY:DDDD
yes!!! finally have more free time!:D was able to cope with the papers to day. but may fail or may pass with good marks. either one. hahas just now after the ct's i met Xie Yu than asked him how he did for his HE. he said theres a question something like this [ ____ food will turn bad after a few days] something like that and he filled in the blank with BAD. Its like comfirm wrong alr lor. Joke sia.:D Bad food will turn bad after a few days. hahas he dam funny:D i put cooked.... comfirm wrong also. sian... nvm, die together:D After lunch, went back to class for IPW. than me, Lm and mitchell had to leave early to support B'Boys in their match with dunman high for the 3rd and 4th placing in east zone. and Ting Yao totally helped us dragged time, was dam funny. He like suddenly come into my class than sit there in the middle of the whole classroom. than my cher(ms Deepa) finally saw him after like 2 mins we greeted her. hahas. than she go ask him go out of class, dun disturb our lesson. he over there talk balk. than like the whole class watch them talk ( abit like argueing ) for like 15 minutes. which totally helped us to skip the boring lesson:D hahas than he finally go out. he met Rohit right outside my class, than they go disturb ms deepa at the door. we still over there seeing everything and laughing:D hahas than i go pull the visualiser screen thingy up again. lols. funny. hahas than we like skipped 20 mins of IPW. when we get into our groups and discussed for like 5 min me, lm and mit needed to go alr:D so we only had 5 mins of IPW:DDD hahas after we left, left Ben in the group by himself doing everything:D like quite bad sia. leave him one person suffer there:D we took off in the sku bus to AHS! Anglican High School. reached there in no time. like 5 mins. hahas. went to their canteen to buy drinks and some food to bring to the court to eat and drink. when we reached the court and sat down. Dunman High girls was going against Manjusri girls. was like the last 5 mins and manjusri was losing by like 9 points. than the manjusri star-player( damn zai for a girl ) shot in 3 3-pointers in 4 mins. was damn nice and tied the score. the last 2 second was left and the score was tied. dunman high had the ball and started. the referee never start the time to stuck at 2sec. when dunman high took their shot, than the referee start the time. Which was so unfair. and whats worst dunman high scored a buzzer beater and was counted because the referee didnt start the time. Manjusri lost just like that. damn sad. i feel damn sad for that zai manjusri girl and her team. was so unfair. lols ok, lets go on. after that was our b'boys turn to play.They played with Dunman High also, and the referee was sorta biase to them and didt blow alot of their fouls. so we were at a disadvantage. The whole match was simply SPECTACULAR. seriously. alot of stuff happen in the match, damn exciting! hahas We all could see that the b'boys played with their best and was giving everything they got. And so they won!!!!!!!! hahas. everyone was like YES!!!! damn happy:D I want to grats them on their victory:D with this green passage thingy. it was seriously a damn well played match:D Grats and good luck on the upcoming matches:D Dedicated to NAS B'Boys:D Had a great time watching it. was damn nice:D grats guys:D Hahas okay. the match ended and everyone was damn happy:D. went back to sku and than to the tampines cc near our sku to play ball. the whole sec 2 team there. played a match together. FUN!:D hahas. went to buy bubble tea with sheng an and bussed home alone...D: sad rite. hahas. reach home com-ed till now hahas. getting tired alr. END this post liaos:D hahas.

Every challenge we face is an opportunity to become better:D

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